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Labs for sale
Labs for sale: Have you been looking high and low for a purebred Labrador puppy for your home and family? You certainly aren’t alone. There’s a reason the Labrador retriever has been ranked as one of the most popular dog breeds in the world for decades.
Now more than ever, it can be difficult to locate a quality lab puppy that has all the traits you’ve heard of your whole life, plus has been raised reputably. We live in a day that has blended the Labrador with poodles for the now classic Labradoodle effect. While there’s nothing inherently wrong with this, there is certainly a case to be made for purebred perfection in dogs.
What makes the Labrador special?
Top on the list for what makes labs special is their stellar personality. They mix well with all age groups and family types. They can adapt to any set of living conditions (city or country, suburban or “out in the sticks”) and thrive. They get along well with other dogs. Labs are sweet, even-tempered, easily trained, eager to please, and so much more.
Questions to ask about labs for sale
When searching for a lab, you may wonder what questions should be asked?
Some ideas for looking at a young puppy to purchase are:
-How old are the parents?
-How many litters has mom had?
-Is this a repeat breeding?
-Where have the pups been raised?
-How often have they been handled since birth?
-What kind of potty-training has been done?
Other questions when you are searching for adult labs for sale could be:
-Has this dog been used in a breeding program?
-Why is he/she being rehomed?
-What personality traits should I be aware of?
-What is the dog’s favorite activity?
-Where is the dog accustomed to sleeping?
-How often has the dog ridden in a vehicle?
Labs for sale: young or old(er)
Often, or at least sometimes, breeders will use a dog in their breeding program, especially females, and then move the dog on to a secure pet home for her retirement. This option can be a great way to adopt a dog that already has a solid start in life.
Many of these dogs have all the boxes ticked that make buying a puppy overwhelming. Chewing is a thing of the past. House breaking has long been complete. Obedience training has been brought up to a noticeable level. All these and more can make looking for older (3+ years old) labs for sale desirable. These dogs often have the best years of their life ahead of them and will make excellent companions.
But who wants to forego the adorable puppy stage? If you are a family with children, a puppy is almost undoubtedly the age bracket you have in mind when looking for labs for sale. A lab who can adapt to your home and lifestyle from the very start of life, can grow up beside your little ones, and can be yours through and through is usually preferred.
Sure, a puppy takes work, but all that work is completely worth it in the end! You will be rewarded with the dog of your dreams when you opt for a young pup to bring into your home.
Where to find labs for sale
There are many options when it comes to finding labs for sale, but that list narrows quite a lot when you add quality to the list of must-haves. Breeders who focus on purebreds rather than designer breeds are often a good choice. The best thing to do is relatively simple: your research. Ask plenty of questions. Get to know the person from whom you will be purchasing your dog. If at all possible meet the litter’s dam. This will give you insight into what your lab will be like as an adult.
We want to help you locate the labs for sale that you’ve been searching for. Visit our Labrador puppies for sale page for more information on our dogs. As always, feel free to contact us for more information on our labs for sale.